The house is rented, the ownership documents for the apartment are in hand. 1-room apartment, 64/26/22, building, attic floor/6 (from the 6th floor to the attic floor on foot, without an elevator), one-sided, H=2.9m, ceiling with a slope at the edges, 4m/s/h, terrace 38m (The coefficient is 0.3, so the real area of the apartment is larger). The house is located in the most prestigious and elite area of Sokilnyky next to the "Tetra" sports complex and is located near the street. A tree. The building is brick, with one entrance, 6 floors, 2 elevators (the elevator goes down to the parking lot), underground parking, guest parking, closed, guarded area. Communications: electricity, water, sewerage, hood, pipes for heating and hot water (it is possible to make a heated floor and install radiators). Own gas boiler room used for heating and hot water supply. You can buy a share of several apartments located next to each other, including those that are located above each other. Complete infrastructure: the "Tetra" sports complex, Boyka school, Gorky Park, transport, the nearest subway on August 23 (shops, schools, kindergartens, restaurants, a supermarket and much more). Beautiful views from panoramic windows and newly built loggias.
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